Use "enumeration|enumerations" in a sentence

1. Thus enumeration and computation became unwieldy.

2. Another need for abstract enumeration arose.

3. Allowed values for the enumeration OriginValue

4. Allowed values for the enumeration MinMaxTrackValue

5. ◦ a general enumeration throughout the province or an enumeration of part or all of any electoral district; or

6. Barmie - Java RMI Enumeration And Attack Tool

7. The Context.listBindings() method returns an enumeration of Binding

8. Converts a specified integer value to an enumeration member.

9. Enumeration: pour plate method using MSR agar (ISO 15214)

10. This paper develops the enumeration number of ladder track.

11. Enumeration describing how to save an item or items.

12. Enumeration: spread plate method using MSR agar (EN 15787)

13. Enumeration: spread plate method using bile esculin azide agar.

14. Returns an enumeration of the permissions in this ACL entry.

15. Enumeration: spread plate method using Bile Esculin Azide agar (EN 15788).

16. Enumeration system processes, can cite the system is currently running process.

17. Enumeration: pour plate method using chloramphenicol dextrose yeast extract agar (EN15789:2009)

18. Enumeration in the feed additive: spread plate method using MRS agar (EN 15787)

19. • the enumeration of three policy alternatives and their respective strengths and weaknesses; and

20. (28) Mandy F, Brando B. Enumeration of absolute cell counts using immunophenotypic techniques.

21. Enumeration in the feed additive: spread plate method on MRS agar (EN 15787)

22. Enumeration in the feed additive: spread plate method on MRS agar (EN 15787).

23. Enumeration: spread plate method using tryptone soya agar following a heat treatment.

24. No active nodes remain and we have explored the complete enumeration tree.

25. Enumeration: spread plate method using tryptone soya agar with preheat treatment of feed samples

26. She left the room halfway through his enumeration of his love for her.

27. Class Chromaticity is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies monochrome or color printing

28. Enumeration: spread plate method using tryptone soya agar with pre heat-treatment of feed samples

29. Chief Justice John Marshall once described the Constitution as a document "of enumeration, not definition."

30. Computer-based strategy for peptide and protein conformational ensemble enumeration and ligand affinity analysis

31. Examples from Classical Literature There he stopped Awkwardly in the enumeration of their presumable blessedness

32. Enumeration: spread plate method using tryptone soya agar in all target matrices (EN 15784:2009)

33. Class Chromaticity is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies monochrome or color printing

34. Enumeration: spread plate method using tryptone soya agar with pre heat-treatment of feed samples.

35. Enumeration in the feed additive: spread plate method using Bile Esculine Azide agar (EN 15788).

36. Enumeration in the feed additive and premixtures: spread plate method on MRS agar: EN 15787.

37. Enumeration spread plate method using tryptone soya agar with preheat treatment of feed samples

38. Predictive Categoriesinclude six categories of prediction , namely Enumeration, Advance Labeling, Reporting , Recapitulation , Hypotheticality, and Question.

39. Census definition, an official enumeration of the population, with details as to age, sex, occupation, etc

40. The basic enumeration scheme is enhanced by dominance rules which increase the performance of the algorithm.

41. Control of the execution process; Analysis of indexes and alternative data sources; Post Enumeration Survey (PES

42. Enumeration spread plate method using bile esculin azide agar and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)

43. Enumeration: spread plate method using bile esculin azide agar and identification: pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)

44. An enumeration problem is solved for labeled consistent bipartite tournaments, and a sharp formula is obtained.

45. 14 Firstly, the desire to find good integer solutions so that the enumeration tree can be severely pruned.

46. Barmie • Written a lot of code during this research… • Enumeration of remote objects (identify classes) • Attacks for various targets • Executing legitimate methods • Deserialization attacks using Object type parameters • Deserialization attacks through illegal parameter replacement • Barmie is an all-in-one RMI enumeration and

47. However, Bliss was hostile to complete analysis, preferring to opt for a more detailed enumeration of subjects.

48. Combinatorial geometry does touch on those aspects of geometry that deal with arrangements, combinations, and enumerations of geometric objects; but it takes in much more.

49. Declarations are most commonly used for functions, variables, constants, and classes, but can also be used for other entities such as enumerations and type definitions.

50. APPLICATION This method is applicable for the enumeration of aerobic bacteria in food products and food ingredients.

51. Firstly, the desire to find good integer solutions so that the enumeration tree can be severely pruned.

52. However, it is necessary to recognize these limitations of enumeration so that they can be overcome in practice.

53. Samples may be specified on the basis of postcode sectors, census enumeration districts or electoral wards and constituencies.

54. For enumeration in the feed additive, premixtures and feedingstuffs: Spread plate method on tryptone soya agar (EN 15784)

55. The whole of chapter 6 of tractate Bekhorot is devoted to an enumeration of those Blemishes in an animal

56. Discussion Unbiased estimates of dependency levels in the different sectors can be achieved only by high enumeration and response rates.

57. Census, an enumeration of people, houses, firms, or other important items in a country or region at a particular time

58. Enumeration: spread plate method using tryptone soya agar with pre-heat treatment of feed samples and identification: pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)

59. By creating a new enumeration (grade) of the previously defined type, you can then use it like any other member variable.

60. 84, OCTOBER, 1864 VARIOUS Even the enumeration of his publications is amazingly inaccurate for a Bibliomaniac's reply to the inquiries of his own guild

61. The Todd–Coxeter process for coset enumeration is a major method of computational algebra, and dates from a collaboration with H.S.M. Coxeter in 1936.

62. An illustration of the method shows that the solution quality by the HGA is better than that by Implicit Enumeration most in use.

63. An illustration of the method showed that the solution quality by the HGA is better than that by Implicit Enumeration most in use.

64. A mathematical programming method is developed, by considerina the optimal placement of active control forces as a generalized0-1programming problem and solving it by implicit enumeration.

65. Bibliographical Journals periodical publications devoted to the critical and Bibliographical elucidation of new books, the systematized enumeration of published works, and the understanding of bibliographic work

66. Haier is the Bo out before the enumeration of a large number of sexologist in the Masters, they are carried out on human sexual intercourse direct observation.

67. 1512: Liber de arte distillandi de compositis. (= Großes Destillierbuch) Containing : a book about « Quinta essentia » and other alchemical drugs – with long passages taken out of the book De consideratione quintae essentiae of Jean de Roquetaillade, an enumeration of simplicia (medicines, composed by one single drug) and composita (medicines, composed by several drugs) – according to the character of diseases, an enumeration of simplicia and composita – according to the location of diseases (from head to feet), an enumeration of simplicia and composita – for use in surgical practice and a treatise intitled « Thesaurus pauperum » - dispensatory in 45 chapters, containing cheap medicines for the poor.

68. The data of exhaustive enumeration are compared to the analytical results of arandom graph model that reveals the generic properties of sequence to structure mappings based on some base pairing logic.

69. Topics of recent workshops include the introduction of bead based reference material for uniform instrument calibration, and the introduction of single platform absolute count technology for enumeration of CD4 T-cells.

70. As Also, a Brief Enumeration and Account of the Apostles and Their Successors for the First Three Hundred Years, in the Five Great Apostolical Churches, Volume 1 - Ebook written by William Cave.

71. Area Cartograms are maps in which the areal relationships of enumeration units are distorted based on a data attribute (e.g., the size of states on a map might be drawn proportional to their populations) (Slocum et al

72. You may want to maintain the same Amass output folder for statistical or historical purposes, through which you perform all the subdomain enumeration exercises, as Amass track can be used only against the same graph database and output folder.

73. What is a Bivariate choropleth map? Bivariate - two variables included in one map representation Choropleth – Areal enumeration units (states, census tracts, etc.) filled with colors symbolizing ranges in the data1 A Bivariate choropleth map is “a variation of the simple choropleth map that enables us to portray two separate phenomena

74. APPLICATION The Most Probable Number (MPN) method is applicable to the enumeration of coliforms, faecal coliforms and aerogenic Escherichia coli in water in sealed containers (including mineral and spring water) and prepackaged ice in accordance with Sections B12.001, B.12.004 and B.12.005 of the Regulations of the Food and Drugs Act.

75. 1930, Norman Lindsay, Redheap, Sydney: Ure Smith, published 1965, page 85: "So kindly keep the vainglorious enumeration of your pots for the benefit of those village idiots who compose your particular set of Boozing companions." 1989, Bill Kauffman, Every Man a King, page 220: Men, bearded, hirsute, sat dolefully at the bar